White Rabbit Child Care Naremburn ToddlersKoalas Room

2 to 3 years

Our Koalas room is licensed for 25 toddlers. We have a maximum ratio of 1 educator to 5 children. 

As children continue to develop their self help skills, the routines in the Koalas room become less individual and more group based eg meals, sleep time, play time.  Educators build on each child's individual self help skills and extend these to group activities to encourage social interaction and developing children's specific interests.  

The Koalas room has a focus on emotional development – socialisation, sharing, recognising, acting and building a sense of responsibility eg put away toys/books when finished, go to bathroom with minimal assistance. 

Play time is more structured and includes group games and activities, as well as individual time to explore at their own pace.  Our educators introduce educational programs including: phonics; artistic expression; and fundamental movement.


 White Rabbit Childcare Naremburn White Rabbit Child Care Centre - Quality Child Care in Naremburn NSW